Sunday 9 May 2010

Cartoon Modern

'Cartoon Modern' is a book showing different animations from the 1950's.

I like the exagerrated noses and the disproportioned bodies of these characters. i think this creates an interesting look.

I like this animation because of its white background with only the characters and props in colour. The bright colours stand out against the white background. I also like the camera angles used in this animation e.g. looking through the window and looking out from the car behind the character.

Here i like the simplistic nature of this animation with its limited colours and limited background props.

Here i like the idea of being able to see inside the car while the character is driving. This shows that an animation does not have to be taken too seriously and things that aren't possible can be.

I like that in this animation the characters are white while the backgrounds are colourful. The characters therefore stand out against the background.

I like this animations simple backgrounds and limited colour palette. This allows the characters to stand out and be the focus of the animation.

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